Tom Cowger: Pastor
Office: 860-267-2336
I grew up in Colorado, which makes me a lifelong Denver Bronco fan! I met my lovely wife Debbie while attending North Park Theological Seminary in Chicago. She attended College on the same campus. We’ve been married 34 years and have served churches in Michigan, Illinois, and Connecticut. Our daughter Johanna and her husband Ryan, and their adorable son Carson and daughter Zoe live in Connecticut, and our son Soren lives in the mountains of Colorado, teaching people to snow board and fly fish.
The overwhelming love of God, so freely given to everyone, everywhere, all the time, whether they know it or not is the reason why I’m a pastor. I love sharing God’s love in Jesus and hearing and seeing the love of God come alive in people’s lives. I enjoy the wonders of nature. Attracting birds to our home, gardening, walking with our dogs in the woods, spending time at the beach, and especially being with family and friends.
Jan Ulanowicz: Minister of Music
I began my church musical career at a Methodist Church in Old Saybrook at age of 12, when I was barely able to reach the pedals. I began directing the choir at the Baptist Church at the age of 16. I have been an accompanist for many Shoreline churches. community musicals and concerts including playing for various Connecticut symphony ensembles. Over twenty years ago, I visited Haddam Neck one Sunday as an accompanist and never left.
I am married to Wade and have 4 adult children and 3 grandchildren—all residing in the greater shoreline area. I have a yacht services business and have run it for about 40 years. I have been involved in Women’s Soccer and have coached numerous soccer teams over the years. Two of the highlights were the opportunity to coach an International Special Olympics Soccer Team and act as Tournament Director at Walt Disney World’s first Soccer Classic. I love inspiring and instilling the spirit of fair play in my students on and off the field. Now, my most beloved hobby is loving and training my two, young Gypsy Vanner horses, Thorin and Diego, and my two comical Nigerian Dwarf goats.
During my Haddam Neck tenure, I have produced and directed numerous choir and bell concerts, pageants, children’s musicals and incorporated a band for concerts and special seasonal services. I was instrumental in the creation of a popular puppet ministry complete with “Farmer M”, “Digger the Dog” and a host of handmade farm animal puppets, building accompanying sets and writing scripts. I look forward to many more years of enthusiastic and spirit-filled musical and creative offerings.
Paul Prichard: Council Chair
My wife Laurie and I live in Moodus, CT and have two daughters, Kara Li and Ariana. I am a Navy veteran and recently retired after a 40-year career in radiation safety working at Connecticut Yankee and Millstone nuclear power stations. I began my relationship with Christ while in the Navy. I have served in various positions on our Church Council and enjoy leading Bible Studies and filling in giving the Message. I enjoy golf, hiking and am a life-long Red Sox fan.
Wayne Visintainer: Council Vice Chair
I have basically grown up at HNCC. …from Sunday school, to confirmation, to youth group member, to Sunday school teacher and youth group counselor. I have participated as a Bell Choir member for the past 14 years, Vocal Choir member since high school, and Church Council in different roles over the years. My hobbies include music, playing bass guitar since I turned 40, coaching and umpiring Little League since 1995 and a Xavier High School hockey team staff member for the last 3 years.
Bob Reynolds: Treasurer
I retired in 2019 as Co CEO of Standard Knapp Inc in Portland CT after 28 years of employment there. I have led the financial committees of two other churches and have a Masters in Business Administration. Because of my familiarity with both business and church finances I was probably a good fit to become church treasurer. My wife Marcia and I were married in 1979 and have three adult children and six grandchildren. My hobbies are old house restoration, automobile restoration and cabinetmaking. After a lifetime of tent camping, Marcia and I have taken up RVing and enjoy traveling and camping across the United States and Canada.
Dawn Stanhope: Financial Secretary
I was “born and raised” at Haddam Neck Covenant Church – it’s the only church I’ve been with! I went to preschool here, attended weekly Sunday School, and I was baptized as a child of God here when I was just tall enough to peek into the top of the baptismal font (about 3 feet tall). When I was old enough, I joined the Confirmation class. I was confirmed and shortly afterwards I knew this was where I belonged, so I became a member of HNCC. I became a leader of our youth group program for several years and, as a result, have built several relationships with “my kids” in our youth group. I got married at HNCC and was a mentor for our younger Confirmation classes.
I have held positions such as Chair of the Worship & Music ministry, Chair of the Properties ministry, and am now referred to as the “pit boss” for our annual chicken BBQ at the Haddam Neck Fair. I love everything about HNCC! I have a huge sense of family, support, and friendships that I hold close to my heart and will carry that with me always. I could not picture my life without HNCC.
Joal Lentz: Church Office
Office: 860-267-2336
I am a local girl. I grew up in Middletown and currently live in Portland. I have always enjoyed being involved in the church and I am a lifelong Lutheran. I have been part of the HNCC family since the spring of 2008 when I first began doing what I love with this wonderful congregation. I also work for 2 other area churches. I am the mother of 3 adult children, and the proud Mimi of 2 little ones. My family is everything to me. My hobbies and passions are all over the place. I have a strong affinity for spending time by the water, classic muscle cars, my morning walks with my dog, reading, and I enjoy doing any and all craft projects.
Steve Bates: Properties
I’m the father of 5 adult kids (3 Biological, 2 step), all flourishing young citizens. I own two businesses in Cromwell. I spent my early summers framing houses in Manchester for U & R Builders., with later experience as a commercial laborer, roofer, siding and finish carpenter. I have a BS in Environmental Biology and spent nearly 10 years with the State of CT DEP. During that time, I built 2 houses, doing much of the work myself from land clearing to trim. I have been at Rocky Hill Vault since 1991, servicing the funeral industry. My wife Donna and I were married in 2016 and live in Haddam. I enjoy one or two swings in a round of golf with Donna or friends, fishing, commuting from our little shoebox cottage in Branford and doing projects around the house.
Jean Meloney: Worship & Music
Haddam Neck Covenant has been my cherished church home my whole life! Over these many years, I have served on almost every ministry, sung in the choir, taught Sunday School and Confirmation classes, served as Treasurer, led Bible Studies, and guided the church during seasons of transition. The ministry on which I most enjoy serving is Worship & Music because its function is to plan exciting and meaningful ways for the people of God to worship together—to create an environment where God may reveal himself.
One of the most joyous elements of worship is music. The Ministry plans concerts and weekly anthems and songs to compliment the worship theme. We plan seasonal community events using our growing cast of enchanting puppet characters and accent the changing seasons in the church year with color and art. For these ever-changing times, we also manage the technology required to aid worship participation, and to reach beyond the church walls using social platforms. Because of the creative and dynamic nature of our work, we welcome fresh ideas and new ministry participants at any time!
Sandy Fries: Outreach & Missions Ministry
I have been at Haddam Neck Covenant Church since 1974. My husband Jim and I have been married for 52 years. We have 3 children, four Granddaughters and one Grandson. Everyone in our family is a Disney fanatic. I am the director of the East Hampton Volunteer Food Bank. HNCC was very instrumental in getting the food bank started and it has been open for 36 years now. I enjoy cooking, baking, gardening and all the things that go with the warm weather. My job at HNCC is to help the congregation find ways we can help support our neighbors, community and the world. Whether in small ways or large, we share the gifts God has given to us and his love for us all.
Cathy Denman Domin: Care Ministry
HNCC truly feels like home to me. As a former Haddam Neck resident, it was a great place to grow up. My two life changing decisions were to join the church in 2019, and be baptized here in 2021.
I've had the pleasure of joining our team members as head of the Care Ministry.
We take great pride in making folks feel welcome and cared for. I've assisted in several events, including our famous Chicken BBQs, Christmas Community celebrations. Welcome Back Breakfast, Ice Cream Social, and KICY Salmon dinner, to name a few.
I'm a proud alto member of the choir, and enjoy baking goodies for our fellowship time after church services.
If you’re looking for a small church with a big heart, great music and inspiring messages, come give us a try.
Linda Ursin: Communications Ministry
I have been a part of the Haddam Neck Covenant Church Family since 1990. My husband Dale and I joined because we found a kind and welcoming church that helped us to grow in Christ’s love. We have been married for 42 years and have 3 children, 5 grandchildren and our dog Riley. I love boating in Mystic, hiking, reading and being with family and friends.
Although still a practicing attorney, I have always found time to serve on Church Council in various capacities, play in the Bell Choir, teach Sunday school, actively participate in our Bible Studies and be part of our local outreach with our friends at Cobalt Rehabilitation Center. As Chair of the Communications Ministry, I believe that effective communication is critical to the life and health of our Church. Good communication builds and strengthens Christian fellowship. I do weekly articles to the local paper to invite others to worship with us and attend events that we sponsor.
Debbie Cowger: Christian Education Ministry
I am the mom of 2. The grandmother of 2. The wife of 1. They are the people who fill my life and heart. I am a passionate caregiver to my 2 grandchildren, Carson and Zoe everyday all day. No better job in the world. Totally worth the back ache and early morning alarm. I also find that I have some additional passion for the people and work of the 2 churches my husband Tom serves as Pastor. He’s the one I’ve been married to 34 years. I care deeply about how and where Jesus is at work in people's lives! I love to refer to Him as a fire that draws and welcomes and is warm with a glow that spreads in the darkness. For that reason, I lead the Christian Education Ministry at HNCC. We want to share His goodness with all that may want to come and enjoy the warmth of His Love. Jesus, I think, is a whole lot better than we even think He is and a relationship with Him then a whole lot better than we realize. With that deep in my soul, I enter all that I do and struggle through every day of my life. I like keeping it real. But I do know that He is my everything. And He's the reason we're here.
And I love summer and sun and beaches. And I love worship and music and talking. And I love my family. And baking Cardamom Bread. And I like humor!