Bible Studies
Sunday Morning Bible Study
Adult Bible Study is held each Sunday following Fellowship. Paul Prichard leads the studies. Please join us.
Thursday Evening Bible Study
“Hear God’s Word” A Zoom Study
Throughout the ages God has spoke to us through the spoken word, the written Word, and the incarnate Word. Our world of printed, verbal, internet and culture noise can drown out the reality and wonder of God’s Word speaking to our lives.
God is still speaking and guiding us personally and corporately through the Word of God. This Zoom will address our need and desire to listen to God address our lives as we open ourselves to the rich gifts God has for us in Scripture.
We will look at various ways and practices to approach Bible reading to enhance our ability to hear what God says and how it intersects our lives.
The format and approach are designed for easy entry if you are new to Bible reading, or if you have more familiarity with Scripture. Remember, when it comes to God, we are all beginners.
Select Thursdays from 7:00-8:00pm
Each week we will have one portion of scripture we read and apply a Bible reading, listening practice. You will have other suggested readings so you can do reading and listening on your own through the week.
To join us please email Joal at officehncc@gmail.com