I’m New
No matter where you are in your faith journey, we invite you try us out. Whether you are looking for answers to spiritual questions or want to grow in your Christian faith, we offer a safe space. We invite you to join us for worship, whether online or in person. We understand that people need to feel accepted and form connections in a time and manner that is comfortable to them.
Sunday worship is either at 9:00 a.m. in person at the church located at 17 Haddam Neck Rd. East Hampton, CT 06424 or via live streaming on: Facebook or Youtube.
Dress comfortably; we have no dress code. Dress typically ranges from very casual to business casual.
We have greeters that welcome you and can direct you to the nursery or the restrooms before the service begins.
Pastor Tom’s messages are easy to understand and relevant to your everyday life. He is down to earth and enjoys telling stories that makes the message meaningful. We are blessed with a gifted and giving Pastor.
Communion is served the first Sunday of the month and is offered to all who believe that Jesus is their Savior.
We express our love for God in joyful worship! The music is upbeat with a mixture of gospel, contemporary and traditional hymns. The words are projected on a screen and accompanied by a keyboard and a guitar. We have a Vocal Choir and a Bell Choir. For concerts, in addition to the keyboard and guitar, we have drums, an additional guitar, a violin and a bass.
After the worship service, we gather downstairs in Fellowship Hall for coffee and refreshments.
Kids & Families
We are kid friendly. We have nursery and childcare for ages 0 to 5. Kids ages 6 to 11 stay in the sanctuary with their families and go downstairs to Children’s Church before the Pastor Tom’s message begins. In Children’s Church, kids learn about God’s unconditional love for them done in a fun way with Bible stories, crafts and games.*